Mar 31, 2023 By Michael Wright

The Difference Between CBD Topicals & Other CBD Products

Many adults turn to CBD topicals for relief from minor muscle and joint pain.** Topical cream and ointment products work differently in your body than other CBD products. CBD edibles (like CBD capsules), CBD vape products, and CBD oil tinctures all deliver CBD to the bloodstream, where it interacts with the endocannabinoid system. Topical CBD […]

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Mar 31, 2023 By Michael Wright

CBD Gummies and Drug Testing: What You Need to Know

CBD gummies are extremely popular health supplements for adults in the UK. In addition to health-boosting CBD, gummies also offer the reassurance of a consistent dose with every serving, plus portability and sweet flavour.** But for some, there’s a concern: Will my CBD gummies show up on a drug test? The answer, unfortunately, is “maybe.” […]

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Mar 30, 2023 By Michael Wright

CBD at Work: The Best CBD to Use at the Office

If there’s one place we would all like to inject a bit of chill into our lives, it’s at work. A staggering 74% of the UK population feel stressed, overwhelmed, and unable to cope at times. Add to that the jittery nerves of off-and-on work returns in the times of COVID, and it’s clear that […]

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Mar 30, 2023 By Austin Greenawalt

How to Incorporate CBD Topicals Into Your Daily Skincare Routine

Maintaining healthy, vibrant skin starts with a skincare routine tailored to you. Whether it’s to rehydrate, soften, tone, purify, or moisturise, skincare products come in a wide array of options. Recently, many adults in the UK have found ways to include hemp-derived CBD products in their skincare routines. These CBD skincare products offer a list […]

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Mar 30, 2023 By Austin Greenawalt

The Difference Between CBD Capsules & Other CBD Products

In the last few years, CBD has entered its golden era. Now, more than ever, we can enjoy a wide selection of high-quality CBD products. From CBD bath bombs to CBD gummies to CBD tinctures, the number of CBD health supplements can feel endless. One particular product has found its way into many adults’ wellness […]

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Mar 29, 2023 By Michael Wright

How to Incorporate CBD Gummies Into Your Daily Routine

Because of CBD’s calming wellness benefits, CBD products come in formulations for everything from morning energy and focus to nighttime sleep support and more.** CBD gummies are a perfect example of this product diversity, with a wide variety of supporting ingredients. If you choose your CBD gummies carefully, you can create a daily routine that […]

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Mar 29, 2023 By Michael Wright

The Role of Terpenes in CBD Gummies

When you purchase CBD gummies, it’s likely that you do so with the CBD in mind, of course, plus other complementary ingredients that might help you relax or sleep, provide a nutritional boost, or some other beneficial effects.** But there are other hemp compounds in your gummies beyond the CBD, itself. Among them are a […]

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Mar 29, 2023 By Austin Greenawalt

CBD Capsules for Post-Workout Recovery & Muscle Soreness

Many adults in the UK have found that CBD capsules offer a gentle boost in wellness, promote relaxation, and quiet minor aches and pains, which all can play a role in effective recovery.** Having a post-workout routine is essential for your fitness and wellness journey. But how do you tailor a routine for yourself? And […]

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Mar 28, 2023 By Michael Wright

How to Store CBD Gummies for Maximum Freshness and Potency

CBD gummies are an incredibly popular health and wellness product for many adults in the UK.** A CBD gummy delivers all the benefits of cannabidiol (CBD) in the form of convenient, easily portable, and sweet-to-the-palette supplements. But once you get your CBD gummies home, how can you make the most of your CBD experience? For […]

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Mar 28, 2023 By Austin Greenawalt

CBD Capsules and Drug Testing: What You Need to Know

Over the last few years, CBD capsules have become a go-to CBD product for many adults in the UK. These tiny gel capsules offer users a pre-measured dose of hemp-derived CBD. But one question seems to linger on the minds of beginners and veterans alike: will CBD appear on a drug test? The answer isn’t […]

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Mar 27, 2023 By Michael Wright

How Long Do the Effects of CBD Gummies Last?

For folks in the UK trying CBD gummies for the first time, a common question is: How long do the effects of CBD gummies last? Unfortunately, the answer isn’t crystal clear. A lot of factors go into how quickly your body can absorb CBD, and how that CBD absorption can vary depending on what kind […]

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Mar 27, 2023 By Austin Greenawalt

How to Incorporate CBD Capsules Into Your Daily Routine

CBD capsules are a staple in many adults’ daily wellness routines. These pre-measured tablets are formulated with cannabinoid-rich oil and can offer several other healthful ingredients. If you’re new to CBD capsules (or CBD products, in general), you might not know the best time to take CBD pills, how to incorporate them into your day-to-day, […]

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