5 Ways To Naturally Boost Your Energy

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If you’re struggling to keep your energy levels consistent throughout the day, you’re not alone. In today’s overscheduled world, full of distractions, it can be difficult to find your focus. For many, a lack of focus stems, at least in part, from constant fatigue. What you need is an energy boost — but the challenge is finding one that is natural and good for your long-term health.

It’s easy to forget just how interconnected different aspects of our health and wellness are. But if you’re struggling with persistent fatigue, here are five areas to start examining to naturally boost your energy. 


We all hear that we need to exercise regularly, particularly for reducing the risk of chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease or diabetes. But the benefits of moving your body don’t end there.

Regular workouts have an enormous impact on your energy level, as well. It may seem counterintuitive: if you’re feeling tired, the last thing you want to do is exercise. However, you may find that once you’re moving, you feel much more energetic.

The NHS recommends adults 19–64 have 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity per week. 

150 minutes?! While that number may sound intimidating, when you break it down, that actually only adds up to just over 21 minutes a day. 

And your exercise doesn’t need to be full of crazy intense moves. Moderate activity can be as simple as leaving your desk for a walk in the afternoon or ending your day with a few laps around the neighborhood. 

There are tons of studies that show how even just minutes of light exercise can improve energy levels. One study showed that people reporting persistent fatigue, who participated in six weeks of low and moderate exercise training, found “beneficial effects on feelings of energy.”

Another study has shown that something as simple as a 10-minute walk can have a bigger energy boost than eating a sugary snack like a candy bar. Participants who took the walk reported “higher self-rated energy and lower tension” than those who were assigned the snack.

There are the side benefits of exercise to consider as well, like how consistent exercise can contribute to better sleep at night or higher dopamine levels in your brain to elevate your mood. Consider cultivating this habit an all-around priority!  


We all love juices, smoothies, and fancy sports drinks. But when it comes down to it, what’s the most beneficial supplement you can add to your routine? Just plain ol’ water.

Anywhere from 50–60% of our body weight is water; however, we’re constantly losing some water through urine, breathing, and sweat. And unfortunately, when we are dehydrated, our bodies may feel more tired and weak than usual. 

If you are feeling a dip in energy, one of the easiest and most immediate things you can do is reach for your water. 

While there is a range of different recommendations for the exact amount of water you should be drinking, you should mainly focus on what works for your unique body. If you aren’t feeling thirsty, and your urine is light-coloured, you are probably well-hydrated.

Consider adding a break to hydrate into your routine, or better yet, adding it to another energy-boosting habit. If you’re working from home, take a quick lap around the house with a glass of water. If you’re at the office, a quick hop to the kitchen or down the hall can help wake you up while you rehydrate.


It’s easy to prioritize other parts of your life over sleep. You might tell yourself you’re pushing back your bedtime because you have to meet a deadline, or to squeeze in one more episode of the show you’re binge-watching. 

However, getting quality sleep is critical for your energy levels at all times. Feeling lethargic or grumpy during the day can be a direct result of how much rest you’re getting at night. 

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all for the number of hours of sleep you need per night, but doctors recommend most adults get somewhere between 7–9 hours of sleep a night. 

And it’s not just the hours you spend in your bed per night, but also how deeply you are sleeping. You may also need to assess whether you’re getting good quality sleep. Studies show that poor sleep quality is directly related to next-day fatigue in chronic fatigue syndrome. 

Consider prioritizing habits that promote relaxation and can help you get to a deep sleep, such as:

  • Keeping similar bedtime and wake-up hours every day
  • Reducing screen time before bed — listening to podcasts or choosing a book instead to wind down
  • Completing a bedtime routine that encourages relaxation (like taking a bath with a luxurious CBD Bath Bomb!)
  • Committing to meditation or mindfulness practices that can help your mind find calm


Shhh — your social media doesn’t want to hear this, but another way to naturally boost your energy levels is … to put away that phone for a while!

Technology is everywhere in our day-to-day lives, constantly trying to get our attention. While being plugged in can be amazing — we all love a good meme — it can quickly get overwhelming. 

Social media fatigue is now being studied as a phenomenon, because so many people experience it. Especially if you’re trying to work or study, the constant buzz of your phone can be overstimulating. 

You need time to reset and rest to keep up your energy levels. So, what to do? Remove your phone as a distraction! 

You don’t have to quit cold turkey and move off the grid. However, limiting your phone notifications or usage during certain time periods can help you focus on one activity at a time. You can even use a social media time tracker to analyze how and when you’re using apps like social media.

Minimizing screen time has also been found to be important for quality sleep, so being intentional about your screen time has multiple benefits!


Finally, consider how you start your day and the impact your morning regime can have on your energy levels — even deep into the afternoon and evening. 

Are you eating a healthy breakfast? It really is the most important meal of the day, but that doesn’t mean we always have the time to do it properly. Many of us lead such fast-paced lives — with on-the-go meals — that we don’t necessarily give our body all the nutrients it needs to make it to the finish line.

Consider supplementing your diet with a good multivitamin to fill those nutritional gaps. When you shop for a multivitamin, keep in mind that men’s and women’s bodies have different needs. So, avoid one-size-fits-all products and look for one that is dialed in just for you. 

When you incorporate these five tips into your daily routine, you’ll find that your energy and focus will improve on a consistent basis. And best of all, you’ll be doing it naturally!

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